Computer Information Technology (A.S.) (2153)
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The mission of the Information Technology Associate in Science degree is to prepare students to enter or advance in the field of information technology by combining traditional college education with hands-on training and internship. The curriculum integrates technical skills, general education knowledge, and breadth of knowledge in the information technology field that prepares students for a respected entry-level through advanced career as a developer, software engineer, programmer-analyst, customer support specialist, database developer, or web developer.
Program Overview
The Computer Information Technology program prepares you for a respected career as a developer, programmer, programmer-analyst, database developer, or web developer. You’ll study program and systems design, computer communications, database development, web development, customer support, and software development in specific languages. Our relationship with Microsoft’s Developer Network Academic Alliance allows you to download a free, licensed copy of the Microsoft server and developer applications, operating systems, and integrated development environments for programming languages taught in your classes. A 50-hour internship is included in the program to provide valuable work experience.
The Computer Information Technology degree program allows you to focus in one of three career tracks:
Software Development Track: The Software Development Track allows for specialization in software development using modern languages. Students may select 9 credits from C language, C++, C#, Java, Java EE or Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET, CAPM, Special Topics, or Introduction to IT.
Note: Students who select COP 2073C to satisfy elective coursework options are strongly recommended to take STA 2023 prior to enrollment into the course.Web Track: The Web Track allows for specialization in web development using modern web technologies. Students may select 9 credits from web design, web management, Special Topics, or Introduction to IT.
Database Track: The Database Track allows for specialization in database development using modern database technologies. Students may select 9 credits from Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, database administration, M.S. Access database, Special Topics, or Introduction to IT.
A minimum grade of C or higher is required in all professional coursework.
Math Pathway
This program includes a Mathematical Thinking in Context math pathway. For additional information about Mathematics Pathways, please visit the Mathematics Pathways page.
Contact Information
(904) 598-5676 or