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MAC 1105 - College Algebra (Credit Hours: 3)
MAT 1033 with a grade of C or higher or a satisfactory score on the placement test.
This course fulfills the Gordon Rule computation requirement and must be completed with a grade of C or higher (pursuant to State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.030).
Effective Spring 2014, students who entered the ninth grade in a Florida public high school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a standard Florida high school diploma, or students who are serving as active duty members in any branch of the United States Armed Services, will not be required to take the common placement test (P.E.R.T.) or to enroll in developmental education at any Florida College System institution, including Florida State College at Jacksonville (per Senate Bill 1720, State Board Rule 6A-10.0315). These students shall be considered exempt from common placement testing and developmental education instruction, and may accordingly enroll directly in MAT 1033 or MGF 1130 or MGF1131. For placement in any college-credit math course beyond MAT 1033 or MGF 1130 or MGF1131, exempt students will be required to take the common placement test.
This course may require proctored testing at an approved location. Students may be charged testing fees at off-campus and virtual testing locations. For additional information and resources, please see the College’s Online Learning website.