Drug Education Policy
Florida State College at Jacksonville is committed to providing an environment that enhances and supports student success. The academic community - including faculty, administrators, staff, and students - has the collective responsibility to ensure the learning environment is conducive to all students’ development. The illegal use of harmful and/or addictive chemical substances poses a threat to the educational environment and the health and safety of the College community. Thus, in accordance with the Drug Free Schools and Communication Act Amendments of 1989, signed by President George H. W. Bush, it is necessary to inform the College community of the harmful and dangerous potential associated with the use, possession, manufacture and distribution of illegal substances. In addition, this document delineates the incompatibility of illegal substances with the educational mission of Florida State College at Jacksonville, and the consequences of the use, possession, manufacture, or sale of such substances.
The Florida State College at Jacksonville District Board of Trustees Rules outline the accepted code of conduct for students and employees. The code, as documented in the student handbook and the College catalog, includes the following.
Any act or behavior on the part of the student which interferes with or otherwise disturb the orderly conduct, processes, functions and/or interests of the College is strictly prohibited.
Such acts or behaviors may include but are not limited to: consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus or at a College sponsored function and illegal use or possession of drugs or narcotics on campus or at a College sponsored function.
The College reserves the right to suspend, terminate, or retroactively cancel the enrollment of any student for disciplinary reasons. The College may also make a referral to legal authorities for appropriate action.
A complete set of charts outlining the penalties for federal drug trafficking and the controlled substances involved are maintained in each campus advising center.
As a public institution whose mission is to foster human potential, Florida State College at Jacksonville believes it is important to understand the health risks and other detrimental consequences associated with drug and alcohol abuse.
Florida State College at Jacksonville has partnered with Corporate Care Works (CCW) to provide Student Assistance Program services, a resource to assist with substance abuse education. CCW provides support through in-person counseling, 24/7 telephone support, and a connection to community resources. Online services providing numerous articles and informative sources regarding substance abuse education and addiction are also available. These confidential services are free to students of Florida State College at Jacksonville. For information, call toll-free (855) 384-1800 or (904) 384-1800, or visit the Student Assistance Program webpage.
Locally Available Public and Private Substance Abuse Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs
The following are additional community resources available to students and employees of Florida State College at Jacksonville. This is a partial list and inclusion of an organization does not imply endorsement nor does omission imply disapproval. The information is based on data provided by the agencies.
Department of Children and Families
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program
5920 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, FL 32211
(904) 723-2000
Alcoholics Anonymous
Northeast Florida Intergroup Services
3128 Beach Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 399-8535
Narcotics Anonymous
First Coast Area of Narcotics Anonymous
P.O. Box 2846, Jacksonville, FL 32203
(904) 723-LOVE (5683)